
Current Projects
In keeping with JHU’s mission to deliver exceptional facilities that support and enhance the university’s strategic initiatives, the Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate Capital Projects & Planning team is involved in a wide range of projects that aim to bring safe, sustainable, and innovative facilities to our JHU campuses. From minor renovations and upgrades of existing spaces and buildings to planning and construction of new buildings and other campus improvements, our mission is to be your trusted partner and provide you with excellent and collaborative service.
Stay informed about the latest alerts and service outages related to ongoing projects.
Learn more about our current projects and stay informed on project statuses and estimated completion dates:
Homewood Campus
SNF Agora
The SNF Agora building, located on the Wyman Park parcel of the Homewood campus, will be an academic and public forum that integrates research, teaching, and practice to promote civic engagement and informed, inclusive dialogue as the cornerstones of global democracy.
Project Status: In Construction
Estimated Construction Completion: 2025
Hopkins Student Center
The Hopkins Student Center, located on the corner of Charles and 33rd Streets, will offer students a nonacademic gathering spot with a variety of food options, collaboration and meeting spaces, and a performing arts venue.
Project Status: In Construction
Estimated Construction Completion: 2025
Milton S. Eisenhower Library Modernization
The Milton S. Eisenhower Library (MSEL) modernization will be a major renovation of the 1960s-era library on the Homewood campus. The library will provide a contemporary hub for 21st-century scholarly activity, access to academic and research resources, and flexible, high-quality, comfortable study spaces.
Project Status: In Construction
Estimated Construction Completion: 2026
School of Education Building Renovation
The School of Education’s main building on North Charles Street will be renovated to provide new classrooms and seminar rooms, reconfigured workspaces, mission-specific areas, new interior finishes, and upgrades to building systems.
Project Status: In Construction
Estimated Construction Completion: 2025
Early Learning Center
The existing Early Learning Center will be relocated from Wyman Park Drive and will be accommodated in a state-of-the-art facility, accommodating a larger enrollment.
Project Status: In Construction
Estimated Construction Completion: 2025
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
The Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (DSAI) Institute will be located on the Wyman Park parcel of the Homewood campus. It will include dry and wet lab space, augment JHU’s capabilities in data science and AI, and power the utilization of advanced data analytics.
Project Status: In Design
Estimated Construction Completion: 2029
East Baltimore Campus
Children's Medical and Surgery Center
The Children’s Medical and Surgery Center, located on the former Brady Building site in East Baltimore, will undergo a renovation of the existing building and construction of the new north tower. This project will provide innovative spaces, including wet labs, computational labs, a vivarium, and collaboration spaces for investigators, clinicians, and students.
*The project is being managed by Johns Hopkins Medicine Facilities
Project Status: In Construction
Estimated Construction Completion: 2026
Bloomberg School of Public Health (New Building)
The Bloomberg School of Public Health’s new building in East Baltimore will support the school’s anticipated growth by adding new instructional space, workplace and collaboration areas, convening spaces, and colocation of departments currently housed in other buildings.
Project Status: In Design
Estimated Construction Completion: 2027
Henrietta Lacks Building
The Henrietta Lacks Building will provide a new flexible space to support the multidisciplinary Berman Institute of Bioethics and complementary programs of the School of Medicine. It will include a classroom, research, office, seminar, convening space, and exhibition space.
Project Status: In Design
Estimated Construction Completion: 2026
Life Sciences Building
The Life Sciences building will be located on the current site of Hampton House, Cooley Center, and Reed Hall in East Baltimore. It will provide space for experimental and computational research and support the School of Medicine and many schools within JHU.
*The project is being managed by Johns Hopkins Medicine Facilities
Project Status: In Design
Estimated Construction Completion: 2029
Completed Projects
Alerts & Outages
Please be advised of active notices and traffic and pedestrian detours related to any disruptions to campus operations due to active construction.
Start a Project
If you would like to start a project, visit our Start a Project page to learn more about the steps and requirements and to complete the Project Request Form.