Groundskeeping Services

Groundskeeping Services
Our dedicated groundskeeping staff works tirelessly to keep the Homewood campus’ outdoor spaces well-maintained and visually appealing. From landscaping and lawn care to event support and auto repair, we strive to create a welcoming environment.
Routine Maintenance
- Landscaping services
- Turf, tree, and shrubbery maintenance
- Seasonal planting
- Snow removal
- Walkway and roadway maintenance
Special Requests (requires a fee)
- On-site event services
- Litter control (during an event)
- Waste collection (post-event)
- Plywood and coal cans for grilling
Grounds Shop
5:30 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday – Friday
Randy Widomski
Hourly Rates:
$48.10 / Overtime $72.20
Auto Repair
Our ASE-certified Automotive Technician repairs and maintains the University fleet, including golf carts, passenger transports, Security vehicles, and small equipment.
Routine Maintenance
All services the auto repair technician provides will be billed to the requesting department.
Special Requests
- Oil changes and filter replacement
- Tire rotation
- Tire replacement and repair
- Transmission service
- Brake repairs
- Light repairs/bulb replacement
- Engine light service
Auto Shop
5:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Randy Widomski
Hourly Rates:
$57.75 / Overtime $86.65
Event/Tent Support
Most activities that occur either on campus grounds or in academic buildings should be coordinated through Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate (JHFRE).
JHFRE’s primary objective is to help requestors have a successful event that is safe for participants and protects University property. We are responsible for evaluating each request, determining the various entities that will be affected by the activity, and getting feedback and/or approval. We will also interpret agency policy and procedures for requestors, approve requests, and follow up on each activity. The Campus Ground Use Guidelines below give more information about these policies.
Event Services We Provide
- Rearrange existing furniture for special events
- Procure and set up additional tables and chairs (funded by requestor)
- Clean up before and after special events
- Supply containers for trash, recycling, and composting
- Waste (trash/recycling/compost) collection and litter control
- Electrical and plumbing hook-ups and on-site electrician (*electrical requests are required for A/V requests outside of buildings)
- Procure coat racks and hangers
- Locate underground utility lines and adjust sprinklers
- Install temporary fencing
- Supply plywood and hot coal cans for grilling
We ask that you give us at least a 10-day advance notice for any event requiring support so that we are able to provide the best possible service for your function.
JHFRE also provides critical logistics and physical plant support services to most major university events, including Commencement, Convocation, Homecoming, and Alumni Weekend.
Free Food Alert (FFA) Program
Do you typically have extra food left over from your campus catered event? Become a Free Food Alert Event Planner. The Free Food Alert (FFA) program was pioneered by the Johns Hopkins Homewood Recycling Office in order to minimize the amount of food wasted during catered events on campus. We connect hungry people with leftover food to reduce local food insecurity and the total amount of wasted food on campus.
Audiovisual Technology Services
Need audio/visual equipment? We have an IT group that specializes in A/V setups. To submit a request, visit
Campus Ground Use Guidelines
Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate is responsible for administering the application of reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions regarding the use of designated public forums in order to protect and maintain university resources, facilities and property and to promote public health, safety and welfare.
Activities must be conducted in accordance with all applicable policies of the Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate, including the Open Space Policies, which govern any open space on campus and apply to all Johns Hopkins University students, alumni, employees, and visitors. As well as local fire and safety regulations, noise ordinances, and other restrictions.
Events and other activities may not disrupt everyday university operations, including blocking vehicular or pedestrian traffic, impeding access to building entrances and exits, or creating health or safety hazards. JHFRE reserves the right to deny any request due to other planned activities or the condition of the quad.
General Ground Use Guidelines
- “Light Recreational Use” is meant to imply casual recreational use such as frisbee, ball tossing, and sunbathing. Activities requiring participants to run, such as frisbee or ball toss, should be limited to groups of ten or fewer.
- Team practices and/or competitive team sports such as lacrosse, soccer, football, and the like are prohibited on the Quads, Decker Garden, and the Beach.
- Spiked shoes are prohibited on the Quads, Decker Garden, and the Beach.
- Persons walking dogs are required to leash, pick up after, and curb their dogs at all times on the Homewood campus.
- It is prohibited to chain bicycles to bollards, benches, railings, and chain link fences or to place bicycles inside building exit stairways. If done, they will be removed.
- Skateboarding is permitted on paved and bricked paths only. Skateboarding on stairs, benches, railings, and other than paved or bricked paths is prohibited.
- Grass areas may be rotated for use or designated off-limits when conditions warrant and/or turf maintenance is underway. Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate will denote such areas with the appropriate signage.
- Vehicular use of any kind is prohibited on campus without approval from Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate.
- Street vehicle access is prohibited; Facility Operations may grant special access
- Circulation by light transport vehicles along paved areas approved for Security
- Commercial delivery vehicles to park in designated Service Vehicle spaces adjacent to improved areas
- When University classes are in session, sound amplification is not allowed.
- Amplified sound is restricted to prevent unreasonable interference or disruption to normal campus activities.
- In no event shall amplified sound exceed 85 decibels at the source.
- Any sponsoring organization/Individual using musical sound systems must clarify their wattage and power amperage needs with Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate no less than ten business days before the scheduled event.
- Events requiring Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate assistance should be scheduled a minimum of ten days before the event and include contact information for the individual responsible for coordinating the event.
- By submitting an event request, the sponsoring organization or individual accepts responsibility and assumes the risk for any personal injury, property damage, or financial liability resulting from their event or activity.
- A temporary stage is allowed within the prescribed area.
- Tents and temporary structures, where permissible, must be approved by Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate for location and anchoring before assembling. If approved, these structures may not use stakes for anchoring; ballasts such as water jugs and concrete blocks are acceptable.
- Generally, light grilling is permissible on campus with approval from Facility Operations. Underlayment must be placed underneath the grills, and all hot coals and ash must be disposed of in coal cans. The placement of grills must be coordinated with Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate.
- Clean-up is the responsibility of the organization or individual sponsoring the event. The event site must be left neat and free of trash and debris daily. All tables, chairs and/or structures must be dismantled and removed at the end of the event. If possible, Johns Hopkins Facilities & Real Estate will provide assistance when requested.
- Circulation along paved walks, courtyards
- Storage within designated bicycle racks
- Chaining to railings, benches, and lampposts is prohibited
- Flyers – post on event panels only
- Banners – may be posted in certain locations – contact Facility Operations for details
- Chalking on walks and plazas is permissible